I believe in storytelling that gets attention. Not by actually shouting, but by engaging the viewer, creating an emotional connection, and generating a response: either a direct action, or—sometimes even better—a lasting impression (your top-of-mind awareness, as they say). But no matter how well a story is smartly crafted and beautifully told, it has to be the right story, one based on knowledge of the product, audience and market. For over 20 years I have helped clients develop and bring their stories to life. Here you will find a sampling of my award-winning* work that has made my clients and coworkers hollar. Enjoy!
*ADDYs and other awards from AIGA, PRSA, IABC—all the letters

Some of my latest work, hot off the (metaphorical) presses

Services & Expertise
Creative strategy digital marketing design branding logos & identity production management copy writing photo & video production

Concept is King.
I firmly believe in “the medium is the message.” It’s like the gestalt for graphic designers. I work to maximize the efficacy of my integrated campaigns with executions that encapsulate a unifying concept, leading to a greater connection and impression with the audience.

Good Design Matters.
As a tech-savvy and hands-on creative leader, I like to get deep into the look of my projects, because design matters. I like my design to direct the eye and lead the viewer through the piece with elements that have function. But at the same time, not everything has to be functional; sometimes things can just be—delightful.

Make the Logo BIGGER!!
I love logos, especially clever ones, and logos that truly speak to the uniqueness of their organizations. I thoughtfully craft logos and identities that are good looking and appropriately representative of the client’s organization.

Too Many Words.
I believe that good design facilitates content consumption while being pleasing to take in at the same time. Covers are like posters that need a succinct focus and strong concept. When it comes to collateral and long format, the top design goal is readability.

Art that Can Dance.
That’s how I consider my work in time-based design. Camera, sound, direct, produce, scripts—all in one! But I’d say best role is being a producer, or the art director who gets the look of the job right.

I have a concrete process for getting the job done right. My creative approach consists of three stages: spurring idea generation based on market facts and research, nurturing the creative execution from my team, and analyzing the impact of the delivered product. I devour research about the market, the target audience, and the product in order to develop a solid basis for the Big Idea. The impact of the final product has to be assessed for its efficacy to determine if it accomplished our goal and how can it be improved or repurposed for future needs.

A Proven Track Record to Hollar About
As a creative leader who values artful storytelling, I look forward to talking with you about how I can bring my skills and experience to elevate your stories, and how they’re told.
› Managing production schedules to stay on deadline and budget
› Coordinating multiple vendors across multiple projects
› Managing and working with local and remote writers, proofreaders, researchers and content experts
› Leading creative strategy meetings with internal and external clients and stakeholders
› Analyzing data to form researched-based communications strategies and designs
› 20+ years working in ad agency, corporate and start-up marketing communications environments